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How Can I Help You?
Line Editing

The line edit has a creative and stylistic focus. In other words, it addresses how language can be used to best effect. Let me help you improve your manuscript by ensuring that your content is clear, concise, engaging, and reflective of your unique style.

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A copyeditor is a must for any writer. Regardless of your writing experience, it is exceedingly difficult for you to pick up on mistakes in your own work. You are simply too close to your content to be able to find errors reliably. Let me help you polish and refine your text.

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If you’ve read your manuscript one too many times, let me take a look at it for you. I will have fresh eyes that will allow me to pick up on any lingering errors in spelling, punctuation, and formatting that your eyes can no longer see.

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Line Editing

The line edit has a creative and stylistic focus. In other words, it addresses how language can be used to best effect. Let me help you improve your manuscript by ensuring that your content is clear, concise, engaging, and reflective of your unique style.

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A copyeditor is a must for any writer. Regardless of your writing experience, it is exceedingly difficult for you to pick up on mistakes in your own work. You are simply too close to your content to be able to find errors reliably. Let me help you polish and refine your text.

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If you’ve read your manuscript one too many times, let me take a look at it for you. I will have fresh eyes that will allow me to pick up on any lingering errors in spelling, punctuation, and formatting that your eyes can no longer see.

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Additional Services

I offer manuscript reviews and alpha/beta reading, as well. Although these services are not technically edits, they provide invaluable feedback for an author.

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First-Time Author Resources

If you're new to the world of self-publishing, you may be realizing just how much there is to learn. I've compiled a list of several resources that removed some of the mystery and anxiety surrounding self-publishing for me. I hope they do the same for you. At any time, feel free to reach out to me with questions. I'm here to help!

Additional Services

I offer manuscript reviews and alpha/beta reading, as well. Although these services are not technically edits, they provide invaluable feedback for an author.

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First-Time Author Resources

If you're new to the world of self-publishing, you may be realizing just how much there is to learn. I've compiled a list of several resources that removed some of the mystery and anxiety surrounding self-publishing for me. I hope they do the same for you. At any time, feel free to reach out to me with questions. I'm here to help!


“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference
between lightning and a lightning bug.” ~ Mark Twain

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