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Services and Rates


  • Line Editing
  • $0.013Per Word
    • Polish content line by line
    • Tighten paragraphs and dialogue
    • Reorganize/rewrite sentences and paragraphs (heavy)
    • Improve transitions
    • Correct tonal shifts and unnatural phrasing
    • Jazz up bland language and add precision
    • Improve pacing
    • Fix obvious grammatical and spelling errors
    • Flag redundancies, passive voice, and clichés
    • Maintain author’s style

  • $0.012Per Word
    • Ensure clear word choice and sentence structure
    • Check for internal logic
    • Maintain consistency in style (typeface, spelling, capitalization, hyphens, dashes, etc.)
    • Reorganize/rewrite sentences and paragraphs (light)
    • Ensure subject-verb agreement
    • Make suggestions to improve readability
    • Do light fact-checking
    • Create a style sheet for future use
    • Flag problems like lack of continuity, repetition, and vague or awkward phrasing
    • Adhere to the style guide of your choice

  • $0.01Per Word
    • Correct misspellings
    • Fix typos
    • Check for correct word usage
    • Ensure proper capitalization
    • Ensure correct punctuation
    • Check formatting
    • Correct typographical errors
    • Adhere to the style guide of your choice

  • Alpha Reading
  • $0.00125Per Word
    • Read manuscript in incomplete/draft form
    • Provide honest verbal feedback from the perspective of a reader
    • Give suggestions for improvement
    • Address point of view, voice, characterization, story structure, plot, setting, pacing, etc.

  • Beta Reading
  • $0.0018Per Word
    • Read manuscript in completed/revised form (before formal editing)
    • Provide honest verbal feedback from the perspective of a reader
    • Give suggestions for improvement
    • Address point of view, voice, characterization, story structure, plot, setting, pacing, etc.
    • Flag obvious spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors (Not at the level of a proofread)

  • Manuscript Review
  • $0.005Per Word
    • Read completed and revised manuscript (typically prior to formal editing)
    • Provide multi-page written feedback from the perspective of an editor
    • Point out what’s been done well and what elements need more attention
    • Address any problems with point of view, voice, characterization, story arc, thematics, consistency, redundancy, story structure, plot, setting, pacing, etc.


I base my rates off of the Editorial Freelancers Association page here. The rates given on this site are considered standard for the industry. Take a minute to check them out, and you’ll see that I have kept my rates on the low end to remain competitive and fair. I also have a real soft spot for indie authors since I walk in those same shoes, and I know what it’s like to try to operate on a tight budget.


In most cases, I will require 50 percent of the project total as a down payment with the remaining balance due upon project completion. If you would like to get a feel for my work prior to making any financial commitments, please contact me and I will provide you with a sample edit of a chapter of your book. I want you to feel completely confident with your decision to use Reliance Editorial Services for your editing needs.


Payments can be made by check or credit card. If payments are made by check, editing will begin once the check has cleared.


These rates do include a final proofread once all suggested changes and edits have been implemented by the writer. I will check that no new errors were introduced during that process. So long as no major rewrites have taken place, this service is complementary.


*Final price determined by depth of edit required.

*Proofreading reserved for authors whose manuscript has already been copyedited or run through editing software.